Monday, March 21, 2011

Could we just skip March and go right to APRIL?

I am looking out my window at gloomy skies and dreary colors....I know this does not sound like me....hang in there I'll be right back, I think, as soon as April get here. But all is not grey and gloomy...there peeking their pale purple faces out at me from the cold Earth are dozens of happy, brave little crocuses that don't seem to mind the cold wind, the flurries of snow or the grey sky as they open each morning to herald the coming of Spring. I love my brave little harbingers of Spring.

I love the green spears of tulips and daffodills and grape hyacynths and Star of Bethlehem that will soon glorify my gardens. I can hardly wait to get my fingers in the dirt and stir things up again this year. My flowers never really know where they will sit each year because I have so much fun moving things around to get a new look each year. Yes, I'm getting too old for this as my body groans a little more each year and some day things will stay as they were the year before but I still look forward to SPRING!

Yesterday as I sat by my livingroom window I was tickled by the tiny juncos (sparrows) that flit and fly around the ivy growing up the chimney and has made it's way towards framing the big window by the chimney. For several years now they have made nests in the ivy (they must love the warmth of the chimney) and have raised their young as I have watched in awe. they chirp and chrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and flit and swoop and do balancing acts on the leaves and stems of ivy as they teach their babies to 'be brave and fly' . Of course they are just in the 'new nest' building and old nest refurbishing mode now but the babies will come. I can't wait!

Thanks Annie for the new background, I LOVE IT and it lifts my spirits. Like my daddy always said about this time of year:SPRING HAS SPRUNG, THE GRASS HAS RIZ..I WONDER WHERE THE BIRDIES IS !!!


  1. Hey there the update who needs pictures anyway.

  2. It is fun to hear how things are going. Shon says...."the birdies is at our house!" But don't go looking here for grass---we don't get much of that. (at leaste not the green kinds) It will be fun when April comes too. Also, you posted pictures without even knowing it---the way you wrote, I was able to paint a great picture in my mind! Love you so much!!!
